Well, before we answer this question, this is what we will do:
Provide form tutors, Year Heads and Pastoral Managers with a wealth of resources, individuals and organisations that can support their tutor time
Provide subject teachers of Music, History, English, Science, Drama, Sociology, Mathematics, Art and Religious Education with a wealth of resources that they can use in their classrooms immediately.
Provide SLT with strategies to raise the attainment of African & Caribbean children by engaging the school staff, the parents and the children
Connect every attendee with support networks that can help with a concerted effort to make a positive difference in the short, medium and long-term (join mailing lists).
Supply each attendee with a Powerpoint file to help each person to present a summary of our conclusions to their own senior teams, pastoral teams or faculties.
Give teachers a forum to support each other and be informed of new developments to support their growth, employability and CPD.
Show attendees the work being done to support the G&T students e.g. the STEM work of Imperial Hub.
So, what makes a good CPD event?
You get new useful information
You get access to new resources
You are given strategies to make positive changes for long term, medium term and immediate improvements
You get the power to implement changes at your earliest convenience.
This is the least of what you will receive on March 19th!